Christ calls us to experience life and grow together.  At First Baptist Madison, our hope is that every person finds a group to connect with fellow believers and grow in their spiritual journey. 

Bible Fellowship Groups

Bible Fellowship Groups meet on Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am on campus. BF Groups are ongoing & open to everyone who wants to connect and study the Bible. 

Wednesday Night Study

Wednesdays from 4:45-7:00 pm.
Wednesday nights are about growing in our faith together. Check out all that's happening on Wednesday nights Here.

D Groups

D Groups usually form out of Bible Fellowship Groups and are for those ready to take the next step in their spiritual journey. Connect with Pastor Ben Atkinson to join a D Group today. 

Bible Study Groups

Women's Bible Studies
Purchase Books Here

When You Pray
Led by Cathy Sims • Cost $30
Starting Wednesday night, August 7 • 6:00 pm • Room 215
Are you struggling with what to say in prayer or afraid to express intense emotions to God? Do you sometimes forget to pray altogether? You’re not alone. Prayer can be challenging, but it’s essential for our relationship with God.
In this 7-session study, join six beloved Bible teachers who will guide you through prayers in the Bible. You’ll learn that God welcomes your praise, lament, thanksgiving, and intercession. You’ll see how to pray alone and with others, and understand that there's no one right way to pray. As you draw near to God through prayer, your faith will be strengthened, and your heart will be united to Christ.

Ephesians: Blessed, Chosen, Adopted Forgiven
Led by Sunday Holmes • Cost $10
Starting Wednesday night, August 7  6:00 pm • Room 205/207
Join us this fall to study the book of Ephesians and discover the abundant heritage we have in Christ—blessed, chosen, adopted, forgiven, and lavished with grace. Learn who you truly are in Christ and how this understanding transforms your life. Join us each Wednesday as we dig into God’s living, active Word together!
Luke in the Land
Led by Rene Lucas • Cost $26
Tuesdays beginning Sept 10 • 9:00 am •Student Center
Join Kristi McLelland in a 7-session study through Israel, focusing on the Gospel of Luke. Explore locations like Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the road to Emmaus through teaching videos. Discover how Jesus brought His kingdom to earth for everyone.

Precept: The Study of Revelation
Led by Beth Touchstone • Cost $28
Tuesdays beginning Sept 10 • 9:00 am • 8216 AB
Join us as we delve into Chapters One through Three of Revelation, uncovering God's messages to the seven churches of Asia. Discover how these timeless messages, recorded by John, continue to speak to and guide the church today.
The Gospel of John
Led by Donna Robbins • Cost $26
Sundays, Sept 15 • 5:00 pm • Room 215
Life moves fast, filled with noise and appointments, leaving little room for stillness. Jesus offers a different kind of life—one of peace.
In this 7-session study on the Gospel of John, Melissa Spoelstra encourages you to slow down and linger with the living Word. Discover the Savior's unhurried pace and learn that the peace Jesus offers is a stillness of the soul, not an ease of circumstances. Grow in intimacy with Him and learn to live, serve, and rest in His peace.

Purchase Books Here
Men's Bible Studies
Men's Weekday Study
Led by Frank Carlisle
Starting Tuesday, September 10 • 9:00 am • Room 8218 Join us for a study on Colossians and discover how to grow in faith, hope, and love even amidst daily pressures.